Betrayed Read online

Page 2

  “That was great! Well, we can move on now,” the cab driver said.

  “Please drive faster,” Rick mumbled, looking at his watch.


  The door was opened by a man in pajamas with a coffee mug in his hand. He was five-foot-seven and well-built with an overestimated French beard embellishing his round face.

  “Rick! How are you? It’s been a long time,” he said, ushering Rick inside.

  “I need your help, Steve. I have no time left, and Tracy is in trouble.”

  After yet another hasty explanation, Rick desperately looked at Steven who stared back at him with a shocked expression on his face.

  “The Green brothers? Were you out of your mind Rick? They are the worst!” he exclaimed.

  “I know, I know! Please, Steve, you have to help me.”

  “That’s an awful lot of money, Rick. I can get you about $25,000 but anything more than that will take me almost a week and that will be too late.”

  “What am I going to do?” Rick asked sitting down, color draining from his face.

  “Hey, I’ll think of something, alright? Here, drink some scotch. I’ll be right back with the money,” he said, handing him a bottle of scotch from the kitchen cabinet. He put his coat on and grabbed his car keys. “The bank is right around the corner. I’ll be back in twenty. Don’t worry, Rick, everything will work out.”

  Rick opened the bottle and poured himself a shot of scotch then turned on the television to take his mind off of the mess he had gotten himself into. The weather forecast was on, indicating a huge snowstorm was heading their way. Rick groaned in frustration and hoped it wouldn’t be as bad as the weatherman predicted it to be. He surfed the channels twice but nothing seemed to distract or remotely interest him. He switched the TV off and poured himself another shot of scotch. Feeling dizzy, he placed the bottle on the table, noticing a photograph peeping out of a folder of documents. All he could see was part of a woman with an arm around her shoulder, and the red streaked hair cajoled his curiosity. He pulled out the photograph - Regan and her father, the congressman, stood smiling at him. It was a photograph taken at the press conference held last week. He opened the document, and his eyes focused immediately on a few words - congressman, affair and Ms. Shirley Cannigan.

  The door clicked open, and Steven looked startled after seeing the document in Rick’s hand. He quickly walked over to Rick and pulled it out of his hands, replacing it with money.

  “What the hell, Rick? That’s top secret. If that gets out, especially to the media, it will cause chaos at the election - not to mention my job. Can I trust you to keep it to yourself?” he asked Rick, annoyed and visibly upset.

  “Yeah. Yes, of course. I should get going.”

  “Thank you. I’ll try and arrange for the rest of the money,” he said, leading Rick to the door.

  Unsteady and his head swarming with thoughts of the congressman giving him a suitcase full of cash, Rick left the apartment. The weather had gotten worse, and Rick could hardly stand straight. After a lot of struggle, he got into a cab. His mind rushed to the idea of the congressman giving him money to keep him quiet. That was blackmailing, and he debated with himself if he really had to do it. He could wait for Steven to arrange for the rest of the money or he could go to the congressman right now. It was a foolish idea but the congressman wouldn’t want to risk his name, power and position for a few thousand dollars, he rationalized, talking it through in his head.

  “Stop. Stop!” he shouted at the cab driver as they passed by the Grand Turn hotel.

  The cab screeched to a halt, and Rick stumbled out after throwing a few dollars at the cab driver. The wind was stinging cold and strong. The snow pellets felt like stones as they rained over him. The roads were already covered with a thick layer, and he slowly trudged to the entrance of the Grand Turn hotel.

  His insides churned with nervousness. The huge reception and waiting area with its high ceiling did not help him. He was dizzy with the enormity of the lobby. His eyes searched for Regan but he couldn’t find her.

  “Excuse me sir, can I help you?” the receptionist called out. Rick was just a foot from the counter.

  “Yes. I am looking for Ms. Regan Solinski. I was told she was here. Um, I’m a friend. She was supposed to have been waiting for me here at the lobby, half an hour ago. Was she here?” he asked, taking the chance.

  “Oh, yes, of course, sir. She was certainly waiting for someone but then she went to the bar. It’s down the hall, to the left.”

  “Thank you so much. I shouldn’t keep her waiting any longer,” Rick said and quickly walked away. He smiled at people as he walked past them but they paid no attention to him. He wondered how Tracy was holding up as he spotted Regan.

  “One more, please,” she told the bartender.

  “It’s nine in the morning and that’s your fourth shot, Miss. Are you sure?” he asked with genuine concern.

  “Yes, I am. Keep it coming.”

  “Well, alright, as you wish,” he said, shaking his head as he placed another shot of tequila in front of her.

  She gulped it down and waited for the pain to be washed away. When nothing happened and the pain only got worse, she asked for another shot. It had been the worst day of her life, and all she wanted to do was forget about it for a moment. A man came up to the counter and asked for a glass of vodka. She looked him over. He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt with a blue blazer over it. She presumed him to be in his late twenties. A few creases on his forehead and the combed style of his bronze hair told her that. He was sexy, and she found herself being drawn to him. His blue eyes met hers, and he gave her a polite, nervous smile.

  “Hello, how are you?” she asked, her voice ringing in her head, the alcohol making her head spin.

  “Hi. I’m fine. How are you?” he asked.

  He seemed pretty nervous and drunk. She stood watching him without an answer. The bartender came over with their drinks, placing each in front of them. They gulped down the contents at the same time and smacked their glasses on the table.

  “You are obviously nervous about something,” she said with a wink.

  “And you are obviously trying to forget something,” he said.

  “Touché. I had the worst day of my life. But I can’t let you in on it,” she said, signaling for another shot.

  “I bet I know what’s on your mind,” Rick said slowly, looking into her eyes as if deciding on something.

  “Oh, yes? Can you read my mind? Go ahead. Tell me what I’m thinking right now,” she said, smiling mischievously. She pushed herself forward and saw his eyes move down to check out her cleavage. She was wearing a low necked, tight black dress which hugged her figure. It was a little above her knees and rode up to her upper thighs showing off her bare legs. She smirked and beckoned him to speak.

  “How about a dance first?” he asked

  “Sounds good. But I’m not sure if I can stand,” she said, trying to get up. She swayed, and his strong hands kept her from falling.

  They moved to the dance floor and danced for a while. There was hardly anyone on the dance floor as it was quite early in the morning.

  “I think I’m gonna throw up,” she shouted over the music. She ran out to the end of the bar where a sign indicated the women’s restroom. She banged the door open, went straight to the first cubicle and hurled. She felt a hand touch her back, rubbing it.

  “Ugh, go away.” She tried to push him away.

  “It’s alright,” he resisted and continued to rub her back.

  When she felt better and rinsed her mouth, they walked back to the bar, and she pulled him towards the exit.

  “I haven’t paid . . .” Rick said, looking at the bartender who was looking at them.

  “Don’t worry. He’ll put it on my tab,” she cut him off and signaled the bartender who nodded at her.

  “I think I should get going. It was nice meeting you,” she said, smiling, as they walked down the hall.

  “Don’t go yet. I need to ask you something,” he said quickly.

  “What is it?”

  He seemed to be fighting for words. She stood waiting, and he stared at her - unable to speak. He looked even worse than before, and the alcohol seemed to have drained out of his system. Running his hand over his tousled hair, he shut his eyes and ground his teeth.

  “I- You- What’s your name?” he stammered.

  “Oh! I’m Regan. You?”

  “I’m Rick. Hi!” he said, looking defeated.” Can I walk you to your car? Are you sure you can drive?”

  “Yea, come on. Well, I have a driver waiting so it won’t be a problem. Moreover, I’m feeling fine now. That’s one good thing about puking,” Regan said, laughing.

  “Good!” Rick said, laughing.

  They walked towards the reception area but were stopped short by a crowd of people apparently having an argument with the manager. They turned towards the door and were surprised by what they saw outside - white snow and a raging snowstorm. The snow was almost a foot above the ground.

  “I’m sorry ma’am. I’m afraid we’re snowed in. It’s pretty wild outside,” the doorkeeper said to Regan.

  “Oh. Is that why the people are arguing over there?” she asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. Apparently they have an important meeting to attend.”

  “What’s the point? The manager can’t do anything about a snowstorm. I’ll go talk to them. Rick, I’ll meet you in the waiting area, alright?”

  Rick sat across from the reception desk and watched Regan politely persuading the hotel guests to keep calm. She told them the staff was trying hard to make some arrangements. Rick shook his head; he couldn’t ask Regan about her father’s affair. There was something about her that made him uneasy. It wasn’t just because she was amazingly beautiful; it was the way she carried herself and talked. Her voice was like a musical instrument that hit the right chords every time she opened her mouth. At that moment, Regan looked over at him and smiled. Her soft, brown eyes made him restless. How could he even think of doing something as awful as blackmailing her when she looked at him with those eyes?

  He shook his head and looked at his watch. It was past ten already. He didn’t have the money, he couldn’t talk about the affair with Regan and worst of all, he was snowed in. But at least Regan is here with me, he thought, his heart beating wildly. It will give me time to demand money, that’s all, he assured himself.


  “What are you thinking about?”

  It was well after noon, and the weather outside was worse than it had been earlier. The restaurant was buzzing with people bickering about the weather and their busy schedules. Regan and Rick were seated at the corner of the restaurant, having a cup of coffee and a bowl of pretzels. Regan was looking at Rick who was staring at her, lost in thought.

  “I was just wondering how you aren’t going crazy like these other people here. Don’t you have an important meeting or a press conference or an interview to attend?” he asked.

  “So you do know who I am? Are you paparazzi?” she asked in good humor.

  “No. I’m just a common man with a normal question.”

  “Well, my father can get along without me,” she said, popping a pretzel into her mouth. “So, tell me something about you.”

  “I’m a stockbroker. Nothing big. I earn enough.”

  “Are you married?” she asked.

  An announcement filled the restaurant cutting short their conversation. They were told they would have no help from outside possibly for the next three days as the entire town was snowed in. This was greeted by a rush of high pitched voices - none of whom looked too happy except for Regan, Rick noticed, a smile hidden behind her straight face. They also announced that people who were not checked in were to come to the reception desk to get a key for a free room, and the guests who were supposed to have checked out received three days of free stay. The food was included – and free – for as long as they were there. After an apology of inconvenience, the soft music filled in once again.

  “Wow, this is like a dream come true. I never thought I’d get a chance to stay in the Grand Turn hotel and not just one but three days. And the free food is like a bonus,” joked Rick, as his heart started to palpitate. How was he to get hold of the money and rescue Tracy now?

  “Look at all the people here. All they worry about are appointments, meetings and money. For once, can they not relax and enjoy life? I mean, can’t they interpret this as a sign from the universe telling them to take it easy and have a break? Spend time with your loved ones, read a book, make friends or –”

  “Relax. I know what you mean. But nothing can be done,” Rick said.

  Regan looked at Rick and then at the frowns all around the room. A few were shouting over their phones, a few were trying to have a video conference but the network was not on their side. Regan got up and walked towards the small podium. She murmured something into the ears of the head waiter who nodded at her and rushed out. Two minutes later the karaoke track of Madonna filled the room, and Regan was given a microphone. Everyone watched Regan as she started to sing. Rick was stunned and in awe at her spirit. He couldn’t help smiling but when he looked at other people in the room, he stopped. He could see the annoyance on their faces but they kept quiet as she was the congressman’s daughter. In the corner, the couples on their honeymoons were quite happy, they began to cheer and move to the rhythm. Regan motioned for them to get up and join her. Rick found himself enjoying the show, and he stepped up, too.

  By the end of the hour, everyone was singing along with Regan for what was the twentieth time. The frowns had washed away, the phones and laptops forgotten as the people got lost in the liveliness and rhythm of relaxation. Regan handed the microphone to an enthusiastic newlywed, who took away the audience with her chirpy voice.

  “Wow,” Rick said, admiration in his eyes as Regan walked towards him with a triumphant smile on her face. “Wow,” he repeated.

  “That’s all I get?” Regan laughed and winked at him. She looked at the swaying guests and the tripping of the feet, and a glow enhanced her face. “Come on, I’m starving.” She pulled him to the farthest table and signaled for the waiter. He came running and offered her a big grin, his face turning red. She ordered lobster and a bottle of champagne while Rick ordered roasted chicken.

  They talked all through lunch about the most random things, and Rick found himself falling for her. Everything about her tantalized him. He watched her as she ate her food and talked with her mouth full unlike Tracy who would chew, swallow and then talk. He and Tracy never had a heart to heart over food. And now, here he was having a trivial yet interesting conversation over lobster and chicken. The second he realized he was comparing Regan to Tracy, the Green brothers made an unruly entry into his mind as he imagined the horror they were inflicting on Tracy. He shuddered; he had to get money from Regan.


  Regan really liked Rick. She wondered when the last time was that she had lunch with someone and talked about anything that was not concerning politics. She loved people and wanted them happy; she wanted to end poverty but she also needed some quiet, personal time like what she was having right now. She knew she was talking a lot but Rick encouraged her. She didn’t see him drifting off or seeming uninterested. There was just something about him that drew her to him. He always had an array of emotions displayed over his face. His eyes would sparkle one minute and die down the next; he would stammer one moment and be cool the next. He seemed to be having a raging battle within himself but apart from that, Regan could feel the electricity from him. She wondered if the snowstorm and being stuck with him was a personal sign from the universe.


  “Have you always wanted to work with your father?” Rick asked her after he had pushed his empty plate aside.

  “Well, I grew up in an atmosphere where people always came by with their problems and dad used to make me sit on his lap so we could discuss it,�
�� she said, going back to her cherished memories of her childhood. “I was little and knew nothing of the world and its people but dad used to ask my opinion. According to him, it’s always healthy to get the perspective of a child who is uncorrupted by selfish, personal thoughts. And as I grew up, he continued to ask for my opinions. And believe me, I was more than happy to give them. I still remember the first time when dad took my advice and it actually worked. I remember the grateful smile and the heartfelt tears of joy in that woman’s eyes. Since then, all I’ve wanted to do is make people happy. But lately, I’ve been distracted.” She came out of her trance and looked at Rick who was watching her intently - almost as if he travelled back in time with her, too.

  “You are an amazing woman. Whatever the distraction may be, I promise you it will be alright.” He placed his hand over hers which lay limply on the table. That touch - that little bit of contact - caused strong currents of electricity to surge through his veins. He was taken aback by the feelings and emotions coursing through his body and quickly released his hand from hers. He cleared his throat and signaled for the waiter.

  “What would you like to have for dessert?” he asked her, forcing his nerves to calm down.

  “Double scooped chocolate sundae with chocolate fudge, chocolate sauce and chocolate buttons sprinkled over it, please.”

  “Wow! Um, one apple tart for me.” The waiter nodded and left. “You really like chocolate, don’t you?”

  “Die-hard lover,” she said smirking, her eyes sparkling.

  The hotel management had organized a party in the ball room to entertain their guests. They made an announcement and invited everyone to come by at 8 PM. Suits and gowns were sent to all the rooms through room service. When Rick entered his room, he was overwhelmed with velvet sophistication. Every inch of the room screamed in superfluity. He avoided touching the clothes as much as he could. A rack of suits of different shades and sizes were sent to his room. He picked a grey polynosic; Tracy long forgotten as he imagined what Regan would be wearing when he saw her again.